We as a citizen (Indonesian citizen)
commonplace, if it has not been able to speak English properly. Because of course the language we use our languange is Indonesian. English language support only as additional knowledge and insight for us. As is well known that Indonesia has entered an era called the Era of Globalization. In the current era of growing can not be avoided that the demand for English language proficiency is required in the academic environment, workplace and social environment. As the need for a Certificate of TOEFL scores as pre-requisites to study (S1, S2, S3) at the University in the country and abroad, a pre-requisite scholarship recipients, as well as pre-requisites as a candidate for Civil Servants (PNS) / private employees. Many ways to be able to learn the English language, one of which is the TOEFL, TOEFL can be learned from books or through institutions - institutions that provide TOEFL. Institutions - institutions that have been developed in Indonesia such as: TOIC and IELTS. Talking about toefl, there are still many people who are still confused with toefl itself. Toefl stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Languange. TOEFL is absolutely American Product, the International disasi standard English language skills in writing a person (de jure) which melipui four aspects of governance, namely: Listening, writing, and reading. TOEFL assessment system using the conversion of each correct answer. TOEFL scores are the highest that can reach a person is 657. On the TOEFL Test in broken in three forms:
• Version of Paper (PBT or the Paper-Based TOEFL - 310-677 points)
• Internet version ( iBT Internet-Based TOEFL or-0-120 points ).
• Version of Paper (PBT or the Paper-Based TOEFL - 310-677 points)
• Internet version ( iBT Internet-Based TOEFL or-0-120 points ).
Paper version of the test is scored on
677 points, 300 computer based version and internet version based on 120
points. Tests based on the principle of multiple-choice questions in the
limited time for grammar. Listening and reading, writing skills are tested for
their part in the essay.
The purpose of this TOEFL is held
usually is for the Academic and General. In similar fashion, TOEFL
certification recommendations can be used for both. In the Academic test is
used for educational purposes, research or academic activities related to
overseas, or in Indonesia. For postgraduate usually minimal value is 550 while
for S1 is 500. General is generally used for the purpose of employment,
promotion or job assignment. Many companies that install standard English
TOEFLnya employees to see value. Generally, a minimum TOEFL score is 500 for
standard promotions. As far as I've encountered, the range of average TOEFL
scores - average of Indonesia with a minimum education level S1 is very
volatile. There are even some who do not mengertahui what and for what it is
TOEFL (they read the "tufl"). Not so with the decision in college
majoring in english. At least they know what is the TOEFL. However, the TOEFL
score a student or graduate English majors does not guarantee high.
Is the TOEFL someone guarantees a person's English
people understand that language is English speaking, conversation, cas cis cus
and so on. English major 4 skill cover are : listening ( through hearing the
word digestion), writing ( the word pollution through writing and grammar ),
reading (a text language meaning digestion) and speaking (able to pronounce it).
On the structure it self TOEFL, TOEFL registration system can usually be taken online ata directly in place that has been set. When taken online, the applicant has four hours to complete the test reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each test has its own deadline. The test is similar in structure to the test directly online, but have more on the written test examination in comparison with the test language. Both are similar just a different format. Version of the internet, have a TOEFL score of 120 the highest and the lowest 0. While the printed version (in person) ranged between 310 and 577 with a score of different points of each section, but does not include the writing on the final value.
On the structure it self TOEFL, TOEFL registration system can usually be taken online ata directly in place that has been set. When taken online, the applicant has four hours to complete the test reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each test has its own deadline. The test is similar in structure to the test directly online, but have more on the written test examination in comparison with the test language. Both are similar just a different format. Version of the internet, have a TOEFL score of 120 the highest and the lowest 0. While the printed version (in person) ranged between 310 and 577 with a score of different points of each section, but does not include the writing on the final value.
To apply for the undergraduate program,
the university in the world generally mesyaratkan iBT TOEFL score of 79-80 or
the same as the paper based TOEFL score of 550. As for the post-graduate
program (S2 and S3), the score is needed to achieve 110-115 or the equivalent
of 600-650 paper based TOEFL score